
To restore the ecosystem, the dignity, and livelihoods of marginalized communities across the tropical belt, we need long-term holistic solutions.

Bamboo Village Trust is a Philanthropic Financial Vehicle established in 2023. It is part of the Bamboo Village Initiative, aiming to create sustainable livelihoods and restore degraded land across the tropical belt through the Bamboo-Based Agroforestry System.

Create a Restoration Economy on degraded land globally.

  • Establish 200 Bamboo Villages along the Tropical Belt by 2030.

  • Catalyze landscape-based climate solution while conserving standing tropical forest areas.

  • Create social forestry assets as the backbone of the restoration economy.

  • Increase access for women, youth, and marginalized groups to resources, capital, knowledge, technology and participation along the process, leadership and decision-making mechanisms.
  • Trust, Commitment and Integrity
    We establish our relationships with all partners and collaborators on a foundation of trust, commitment and integrity.
  • Data-Driven Method
    We encourage a data-driven decision-making process.
  • Adaptive Approach
    We apply an adaptive mindset and methodology that embrace complexity and challenge as opportunities for learning and improvement.
  • Gender Equality and Social Inclusion
    We aim to enhance the access of women and marginalized groups to resources, involve them in all processes and decision-making mechanisms, and ensure they reap the full benefits of the bamboo village processes and results.

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