The following steps guide you through the entire life cycle of a grant, spanning from the initial application to the project’s completion and potential expansion (as per our vision). Please bear in mind that these durations are approximate and can vary significantly based on various factors. 

Application Time Frame

Submit a Request for Information (RFI)

When you intend to apply for the BVT Grant, please first request our RFI (Request for Information form), through this email form. Please mention “RFI form request” as your subject. This email form can also be used to inquire further about the BVT Grant. Your RFI application will be reviewed by BVT’s regional partnership coordinators. Read More

BVT Opens a Request for Proposals

BVT announces an annual Request for Proposals, specifying the regions of interest open for submissions. If the Request for Proposal (RFP) period is active (please refer to the provided schedule, usually lasting two months), we encourage you to submit your proposal. Read More

Submit a Self-assessment and Risk Form

The self-assessment form serves a dual purpose. It not only assesses the compatibility of your site, governance, and management capability with our social agroforestry initiative at BVT but also enables the BVT team to establish contextually viable targets. Read More

Scheduling for GIS survey (Site visit or satellite imaging)

After applicants have submitted the Self-assessment form, we will review these submissions to assess eligibility for a Geographic Information System (GIS) survey. Read More

Submit Environmental and Social Safeguard form (ESS form)

In parallel with the GIS survey, applicants are expected to submit the BVT ESS form along with risk mitigation plans. These risk measures provide context for the sites and inform BVT regional teams about necessary measures, Read More

Applicant prepares a full proposal

Before the RFP term concludes, applicants should finalize a comprehensive proposal, including compiled GIS survey documents, ESS forms, and, if applicable, additional information for Due Diligence.

Applicant consultation with BVT

Applicants may request guidance to complete their proposals, and the BVT regional technical team will be available to address questions and proactively assist with various aspects.


Within three to six months after the close of the RFP, applicants will be informed if their sites and projects are being considered for inclusion in the project partnership charter.

Applicant signs Partnership Charter

Successful applicants for the grant will sign a partnership charter with BVT.

Grant recipients receive orientation training

Successful applicants will be invited to an orientation call covering financial aspects, implementation cycles, and reporting requirements. Each project will be assigned a regional BVT assistance team, including a technical and economic coordinator.

implementation time frame

(Phase 1 to 4)

This timeline comprises four phases, each following the same cycle. The first phase begins immediately after applicants complete their orientation training. Grant recipients are now called BVT Landscape Backbone Partners

New grantees must submit any revisions to their action plans and risk registers within two months of the grant start date. During this period, it’s crucial to submit the following documents via BVT Portal:

  • Backbone Landscape Partner Capacity Tracking Tool
  • Management Effectiveness Tracking Tool (METT)

Applicants kick off the process of the phase with direct support from the BVT regional team.

Every quarter, grant recipients provide updated risk registers and performance tracking tools via BVT Portal. If changing risk measures make original targets unfeasible, recipients may propose target adjustments. 

Members of the BVT Regional team conduct site visits to selected applicants. The schedule is communicated through usual channels and announced via BVT Portal.

Every semester, the BVT technical, risk and compliance committee approves submitted reports. Short narrative and documentation reports must be submitted via BVT Portal. Target realignment can occur during these reviews or quarterly reports, supported by reasonable explanations. Q&A sessions and coaching calls follow submission to confirm achieved targets.

Payments for each phase are disbursed following approval from the BVT regional team and committee.

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